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Positive Discipline

The way to raise children changed. From a traditional education with blows and mistreatment, to parents who want to do things differently. They have more resources and are more conscious.

If we ask our grandmothers or even our parents they will tell us stories of submission and obedience. Those stories were normal in environments such as school and at home. Physical punishment or cursing were the answer to the unwanted behavior. 

We are currently facing another social dynamic where women have stopped being submissive and obedient. Schools have stopped giving physical punishment and both parents play a very important role in raising children. We are facing a generation who wants to do things differently.

Although physical punishment has immediate effects, since we manage to stop our child's behavior, it has no long-term effects.  We DO NOT teach our little ones any life skills. Our job as a parent is to teach them skills to give them enough tools so that when they grow up they know how to handle their emotions. So that they know how to set limits to others, so that they respect and make themselves respected. That is why our job is not to punish or suppress bad behavior. Our goal is to accompany and nurture the brain.

In positive discipline I have found very useful tools that I would like to share with you. Here we start from the basis. We will talk about mutual respect and cooperation. Without the need to be very permissive or with excessive control. It is just that middle point that sometimes is so hard for us to find.



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