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Activities with the Child

During a 1 hour class I do some activities with your child. You can be present to see how your child is doing but it is not required. The classes can be at my place or I can come to your place if it is in Amsterdam and take the material with me. Classes can be bought one at the time, but it is recommended to take a package so you can really see the progress of your child. If you buy a package I can organize the classes around a bigger theme, like the universe a famous writer or the letter c. The content is always personalized to the child and your wishes. Examples of some of the activities that we will do can be found in the Gallery. If you want more information please contact me and we can discuss more.

find us on instagram como montessoristepbystep or facebook Montessori step by step
  • 1 hour, 20 euro
  • Package of 8 hours, 140 euro

Workshop with the Parent

Here I explain about different topics of the Montessori method, how the child develops, what kind of exercises you can do with the child. I can help you finding the right activities for your child, I can explain how to organize the room of the child and more. Because this is between adults and the child is not joining directly, a workshop can also be done remotely. If you want more information please contact me and we can discuss more.
  • 35 euro per 1 hour

updated  1 Juni 2021


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