Remember: this is the moment when we are going to nurture and shape the brain of our child.
Did you know that the tantrum, is a desired and expected behavior in child development, since it corresponds to the brain development of our little one.
Daniel Siegel tells us that, children are psychocorporal, that is to say that experiences and emotions are lived through the body. When we are facing an emotional overflow of our little one, let us remember that it is simply due to evolutionary traits that the brain needs to express discomfort.
We must understand that our children do the best they can with what they have. This is a phrase that I repeat to myself over and over again, because it helps me to have more empathy with the behavior of our little ones. Let's understand that they behave that way because it is the way the nervous system reacts.
Sure you have already read a lot about tantrums. But you have not been able to find the clear tools to help you, manage that moment of emotional overflow of your little one.
Here I will give you some steps:
few words, when the child is upset he will not listen to you since he is in his reptilian brain.
- Connect with my emotion with my body (the adult)
- Name the emotion, this helps the brain to calm down
- Get to the child's level
- Physical contact
- Eye contact
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